Assignment Tips
Remember, to create a comprehensive business proposal, it is important to look at the BIG PICTURE as well as the details specific to your particular business, product/service or industry.
STEP 1: Locate your product or service within the larger industry.
Do a NAICS keyword search (ex: coffee shop) to find the North American Industry Classification (NAICS) of your product/industry. **You may have to try several different searches to locate the most relevant NAICS code.
STEP 2: Use the NAICS code and designation to find out information about your industry.
Industry Canada has information on both Services-Producing Industries and Goods-Producing Industries.
For coffee shops, we would check for details on Food Services and Drinking Places (NAICS 722) to find definitions, establishments, SME benchmarking, capital investment, company directories, etc.
Step 3: Use IBISWorld, Business Source Complete, Passport GMID and/or Statista to find:
- Industry Profiles
- SWOT analyses
- Market Reports
- Product Reports
**Remember, you will often have to look at the larger industry to find information you can use for your Business Plan.
Industry Profile Example:
"Mobile Phones Industry Profile: Canada." Industry Report (2016). Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 4 April 2017.
(ex. how many people are drinking RED BULL).
STEP 5: Use StatsCanada and related resources to find data on the location or area you are targeting
STEP 6: Use Scott’s Ontario Directories to search company information in Ontario, by product type, industry classification, company name, geographic and demographic characteristics.