Partial content & Embargoes

The links listed are for the most complete content available.  In some cases, a publisher may restrict the electronic content for a period of time (embargo) before making it available online.  These embargoes have been noted.

If you cannot find your journal here, please check the Journals by Title list.

Inter-Library Loan

Articles that are not available at George Brown may be ordered via Inter-Library Loan.  This process may take up to 14 days, so don't leave it until the last moment.  Once the articles arrive, you will be notified by email or phone.

Medical E-Journals

This a very selective list of some of the most important general Medical Journals that are available online.

Medical Print Journals

Medical Clinics of North America - Catalogued with the books at RC60.M4

Surgical Clinics of North America - Catalogued with the books at RD34.S85