All media newly acquired by the Library is either closed captioned or permission to caption has been obtained. Currently 80% of the Library’s media collection is closed captioned. Closed captioned media displays the audio content as text on-screen in synchronization with dialogue, narration and sound effects. This feature provides equitable access to media by all users.
In accordance with the regulations of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), all departments and divisions are required to adhere to accessibility standards and principles when designing, creating, adopting and procuring educational materials and resources for the delivery of course curricula. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: E-books, course-packs, e-learning platforms, interactive and instructive online learning management systems, audio-visual and multi-media. The College has a Captioned Media and E-text Policy which stipulates that all media produced or purchased for instructional, informational or marketing purposes must be captioned or permission to caption must be granted as a condition of purchase. Departments and divisions must allocate a budget for making resources accessible, such as captioning audio-visual media.
Faculty members may contact GBC Captioning to review the media used in their curricula to determine if it is closed captioned, if a closed captioned version exists or if a suitable alternative is available. If you are requesting captioning for an external source (i.e., one that was created outside of George Brown College), you will need to ensure it is cleared for copyright before proceeding with the captioning process. Please contact the Manager, Digital and Technical Services for assistance with obtaining copyright clearance for captioning. Assistance is available to all members of the College community using audio-visual resources for instructional and information purposes, college-wide events or websites to facilitate the closed captioning of the material.