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Welcome! We have several services and supports for faculty here at the GBC library.  Explore the menu to see how we can support you and your course delivery. Questions? Find your Librarian in the list below – we will be happy to hear from you!

FInd your Librarian
Library Workshops
Recommend Items

Contact your Program Librarian

  • Corinne Abba: Business, Design, Financial Services, Game Design
  • Rebekah Glendinning: Computer Technology, Dance, Deaf & Deafblind Studies, Early Childhood Education, Media, School of Labour, Social & Community Services, Theatre
  • Andrea Hall: Applied & Institutional Research, Architectural Studies, Construction Technologies & Trades, Construction Management, Engineering Technology,
  • Christa Lochead: Entrepreneurship
  • Bill McAskill: ESL & TESL, Fashion, General Arts & Sciences, General Education & Liberal Studies, Jewellery, School of Work & College Preparation
  • Joy WenChef's School, Continuing Education, Faculty & Staff Development, Hospitality & Tourism Management
  • Junhui Zhang: Dental Health, Health Services, Health & Wellness, Nursing

Visit the Library website to find your librarian by program area

Copyright Services

For questions or information related to copyright, contact our Copyright and Open Access Resource Librarian Heather Buffett. For more information about Copyright Services and George Brown College's Copyright Policy, visit the Library's Copyright page.

Library Instruction

Librarians are available to provide introductory and advanced instructional research workshops for students. Contact your program librarian to schedule a session for your course.

Workshops are typically 60-90 minutes in length and can take place online or in person, in your classroom or in a library. Each session will be customized to meet specific program and/or assignment needs. The descriptions below provide an example of possible workshops.

Introductory Research Workshop

This participatory workshop will introduce students to the library and support the development of research skills. By the end of this workshop, students will be able to:

  • Navigate the library website
  • Develop college-level research skills
  • Identify various source types and their uses for assignments

Advanced Research Workshop

Building on prior research knowledge, this workshop will support students in developing advanced research skills. By the end of this workshop, students will be able to:

  • Formulate an understanding of research processes appropriate to information needs
  • Develop advanced techniques to build and refine a targeted search strategy
  • Locate and evaluate specialized resources that support specific program/assignment needs

Recommend Items for the Library Collection

The Library welcomes suggestions for books, journals, magazines, audio-visual materials, and databases for addition to the library collection.  Faculty members are encouraged to contact their program Librarian.

Purchasing is subject to funding and the parameters of the Collections Development Policy, which specifies that the Library Learning Commons develops collections of print, audio-visual, and electronic resources to support student inquiry and faculty teaching related to the academic program in support of a college credential.