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The New Reading List Builder - Readings & Learning Resources by Leganto

A how-to guide for faculty

Add using ISBN

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. Books are assigned ISBNs when they are published; each format of a book (print, eBook, audiobook) receives a different ISBN. For this reason, the same title can sometimes have multiple ISBNs.


You can use the ISBN to add a book to your list. This tool will search the library catalogue to see if the book is available in the library. If it is, a link to the library's copy will appear in your list.

If the book is not available in the library, you will have the option to contact your liaison librarian and make a purchase request. Please note purchases are subject to funding availability.


IMPORTANT: Note that because some titles have multiple ISBNs due to variations in format/edition, books may show as not in the library collection when they in fact are. Please message the library or your liaison librarian if you would like assistance.


To Add using ISBN:

1. Find a book you would like to add and locate the ISBN (either 10 or 13 is fine) or EISBN. Copy the ISBN.


amazon page for Amplifying Indigenous Voices book; ISBN highlighted


Go to your reading list.

Click Add and then Add using ISBN.


Add using ISBN


Paste the ISBN into the ISBN field, and continue to click Next until the item is added to your list.


Add using ISBN, click next


Add using ISBN steps, click Next


If the book is available in the library, your reading list will link directly to it.

If it is a print book, you will be asked if you would like to have the book placed on Reserve (3 hour loan) at a specific campus.


would you like to place this book on reserve?


Amplifying indigenous voices book in reading list


Note that because some titles have multiple ISBNs due to variations in format/edition, books may show as not in the library collection when they in fact are. Please message the library or your liaison librarian if you would like assistance.

View our video tutorial:

What if the book is not available in the GBC library?

You will see a notification that the book is not available, and you will have the option to be put in touch with your liaison librarian regarding purchasing the book.


This citation did not link to a book in our collection


**Remember, we may have the book in a different format. Message the library or contact your liaison librarian if you would like assistance.

Note that if you choose this option, the book will not appear in your list to students until access has been resolved.