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The New Reading List Builder - Readings & Learning Resources by Leganto

A how-to guide for faculty

Associating a Readings & Learning Resources List with Multiple CRNs

When you have multiple sections (CRNs) of the same course, you may want to share the same Readings & Learning Resources list across all the sections of the course. The Manage link to course option ensures that any changes you make to the Readings & Learning Resources list in any of the associated courses will be reflected across all associated courses.

Please note:  To associate a Readings List with multiple CRNS, each D2L course CRN must already have the Readings & Learning Resources option added.  See Add a Readings & Learning Resources List to D2L for step-by-step instructions.

Associate a Reading List with more than one course:

Step 1: 

  1. Start in the course (CRN) in which you created the Reading list.
  2. Click the three dots to the right to open the List Menu.
  3. Click Manage Link to Course.

manage link to course

Step 2:

Click Add another course and click on the course (CRN) with which you wish to associate the list from the drop-down menu.

add another course

Step 3:

  1. Fill in the information for the course (CRN) including start and end date and number of students enrolled.
  2. Click the SAVE button.

save course association

Step 4:

  1. Go to the course in D2L with which you have associated the Readings & Learning Resources list.
  2. Click the blue Readings & Learning Resources link to open the list.
  3. The list from the original course (CRN) will auto-populate into the current associated course (CRN).

Please note: Any changes you make to the Readings & Learning Resources list in any of the associated courses (CRNs) will be reflected across all associated courses.

Readings & Learning Resources link in D2L course


reading list open in associated course

Managing Course Associations

  • To see all courses associated with a Reading List, click on the Manage Link to Course option from the List Menu.
  • Click on the purple Course Code/CRN to see full course info.
  • Any changes you make to the Readings & Learning Resources list will now be reflected in all associated courses (CRNs).

Manage link to course


list of associated courses




Adding a Collaborator to your Readings & Learning Resources List

The course instructor is automatically the owner of the list.

Faculty and staff can be added to the list as collaborators with permission to edit the list or manage the list.

To add a collaborator:

Click the List Info link at the top of the list

List info

Click the Manage collaborators option beside list of collaborators.

manage collaborators


Click Add Collaborators

Start typing a George Brown College faculty/staff name into the box that appears.

Click on the full name from the drop-down list

Click the Save button.

Adding a collaborator


The default permission is Can edit list.

Click the drop-down arrow to change the collaborator's permission from Can edit list  to List Owner if desired.


The Share Icon

You can create a shareable link to an entire reading list, a section of a list or an item on a list by clicking on the Share Icon to the right of the list name, section or item.

Share Icon

Sharing a Readings & Learning Resources List

You can share a Readings & Learning Resources list with colleagues by providing a link.  They can make a duplicate copy of the list and associate it with their course for editing.  (Any changes made to the duplicate copy will not alter your original list.)

Sharing a list:

  1. Click the share icon to the right of the list title.
  2. Click the Copy Shareable Link to List button under Shareable Link to List.
  3. A List Copied pop-up notification will appear.
  4. Share the link via email


share icon

Share link to list



Copying and Importing a Shared Readings & Learning Resources List to a Course

If a colleague has provided you with a shared Readings and Learning Resources list link, you can create a duplicate copy of that list and associate it with your own D2L course.  At this point, the copied list is your own to change or edit as needed for your course.

Duplicating a Readings & Learning Resources link and associating it with a course in D2L:

Step 1:

  1. Open a browser and paste the link provided.
  2. Click on the three dots to the right of the list name to open the List Menu.
  3. Click Duplicate list.

duplicate list


A Create New List box will appear.

create duplicate list


  1. Type in the list title you would like to use in your course.
  2. Choose a course to associate the list to
  3. Click the Advanced Settings link to customize which information will be copied
  4. Click the Create a List button.

Important: to see all available courses you must have pasted the link into a new browser window


You are now the owner of this duplicated list and you can edit the list as needed for your course. This list will appear in your associated D2L course automatically.