Upload a File to your List
Click +ADD and then click Upload Files.

Drag and drop or browse for the file you would like to upload.

Choose a copyright option
- If you choose the first option, you attest that you hold the copyright for this item. The item will be visible to students as soon as your list is published.
- If you choose the second option, you attest that the resource falls within the College's Fair Dealing Policy. The item will be visible to students as soon as your list is published.
- The third option (Needs Review) will send your item to the library for review. The item will not be visible to students until it has been reviewed and processed for copyright compliance.

Choose the source type from the Type drop-down menu.
Many of the citation detail fields may auto-populate from the metadata in your file. If not, fill in as many details as you choose.
- At a minimum, you must provide a document title in the Title field.
- You have the option to provide a note to students about the item.
Choose the section of your list where you would like to add the item.
Continue to click Next until your item has been added to the list.
Students will have the option to download or view the document.
- NOTE: Where enough citation information has been entered, the tool will search the library database to determine if the source is part of the library collection and provide an additional View Online link. This link will direct students to the resource within the library collection which can be beneficial for copyright compliance and accessibility.