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Add Print Textbooks and Articles to Course Reserves

The Library Learning Commons offers course reserves so that high-demand materials are available on a fair and equitable basis to all students. The use of the reserve must not substitute for the purchase of books, course packs, or other published materials.


What Can I Put on Reserve?

  1. Books and periodical material owned by either you or the library.
  2. Photocopies of supplementary readings. (As opposed to required readings, supplementary readings are considered to be optional.) If you copied from works under copyright the material must be
  3. Material that is instructor-created (such as class notes that the instructor or GBC owns the copyright).

NOTE: You can link to most articles in the library databases using persistent links. These can be included on D2L BrightSpace. You can contact your program librarian if you need assistance. You can link to required and supplementary readings. Linking is not an infringement of copyright and gives students more equitable access to articles than putting them on reserve.

What Can’t I Put on Reserve?

  • Photocopies of required readings
  • Advanced copies of pre-published works
  • Course packs
  • Custom publications
  • Workbooks, assignment sheets, tests, examination papers, or instruction manuals under copyright to a publisher or other copyright holder
  • Newsletters to which you have a personal subscription
  • Purchased business cases such as Harvard or Ivey case studies
  • Unpublished works such as handouts from a conference


How Do I Place an Item on Reserve?

Use the New Reading List Builder in BrightSpace to put an item on Reserve. 

If the item is a print book in the library collection, add it to your reading list using the Library Search option. You will be prompted to request that the book be placed on Reserve at that time.

Choose the location you would like the item to be made available at. If you have any questions, use the Message the Library option within the New Reading List Builder or contact your Liaison Librarian.

If you are placing an item you own on Reserve (something NOT in the library collection already), contact Michael Reansbury (


How Much Can I Put on Reserve?

Books and periodicals

  • Two copies of each book title. The Library reserves the right to limit the number of books to five per course for space reasons.
  • One copy of each periodical.


  • One per every 30 students
  • Photocopies of supplementary or optional readings must NOT be greater than 10 percent of the total of your required readings for the course in order to follow the George Brown College Copyright Guidelines, or permission from the copyright holder must be requested.
  • The first page of each photocopy must state:
    a)      The author’s name (if known)
    b)      The title of the publication from which the photocopy was made
    c)      The name of the publisher


How Long Will Material Be Kept on Reserves?

  • Material will be kept on reserve for one semester only. A new request must be made each semester.
  • All instructor-owned material can be picked up three months after the semester ends.
  • The Library cannot return photocopies. Under the Fair Dealing Policy the library must destroy all photocopies at the end of each semester.



As of January 1, 2011, our course reserves procedures for photocopies have been revised to be compliant with the George Brown College Fair Dealing Policy adopted under the advice of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC). Under the fair dealing exception in the Canadian Copyright Act users of material under copyright can copy material for the purpose of research or private study as long as the dealing is fair. Copying limitations you see here have been determined by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges as being fair.  See the Copyright Services web site page for more information.