Marketing research essentials : with data analysis in Excel and SPSS by Carl McDaniel; Roger Gates; Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan; Kelley MainCall Number: HF5415.2 .M3825 2014
ISBN: 9781118043172
Publication Date: 2013-08-26
Marketing Research is a required course for all Marketing majors in both colleges and universities. Our second Canadian edition of Marketing Research Essentials is co-authored by full-time marketing researchers, therefore offering students insider views of the latest trends and what works and what doesn't. This text offers real data by real people, who have conducted real research and made it really concise for students. Praised by student reviewers for its accessible approach, the second Canadian edition of Marketing Research Essentials is the only text that covers data analysis in both Excel and SPSS, offering readers a more relevant and applied approach to the subject.