By-law (many are now available online at the City of Toronto By-laws and Municipal Code Page).
Format: Municipality, by-law number, title (date), pinpoint for section cited (where available - in print versions).
Title, O. Reg. number/last two digits of year created, pinpoint.
Designated Substance -- Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations, O. Reg. 278/05, s. 3(2).
Title, volume+jurisdiction year, chapter, schedule, (session/supplement), pinpoint.
Municipal Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 6, Schedule A, s. 7(2).
⇒ Use the statute's official short title, where applicable.
e.g. Greenbelt Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 1.
⇒ Not all statutes have schedules, supplements, etc.
If your statute does not include these elements, then leave them out of your citation.
Government Author. (year). Title of report: Subtitle of report [Report #/or Report Type]. Retrieved from http:/xxxxx
In-Text Paraphrase: (Government Author, year)
In-Text Quote: (Government Author, year, paragraph)
City of Toronto, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning. (2022). 415 Broadview Avenue - Notice of Intention to Designate a Property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act [Report for Action]. Retrieved from
In-Text Paraphrase: (City of Toronto, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning, 2022)
In-Text Quote: (City of Toronto, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning, 2022, para 3)
Creator, C. (date of creation). Title or description of blueprint [blueprint]. Collection name/number (Fonds name/number, Series number, Box number, File number). Name of archive/library, Location of archive/library.
Smith, E. (1912, November 7). Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Road [blueprint]. Collection No. PT13-1589 (Fonds 200, Series 410, Box 140663, File 1589). City of Toronto Archives, Ontario.
⇒ APA treats blueprints like primary sources. Cite blueprints as you would archival materials.
⇒ If the location appears in the name of the archives/library, don't repeat it in the location info.
Municipality, Zoning By-law number (date by-law enacted), pinpoint if available.
City of Toronto, Zoning By-law No. 569-2013 (January 28, 2009),
e.g. from CITY OF TORONTO ZONING BY-LAW 569-2013
Canada Green Building Council. (2014, December 17). Leed Canada – NC 1.0, Green building rating system: George Brown College Waterfront Campus (CaGBC Project #13104) [Project Scorecard]. Retrieved March 8, 2017 from
In-Text Paraphrase: (Canada Green Building Council, 2014)
In-Text Quote: (Canada Green Building Council, 2014, Water Efficiency section)
Canada Green Building Council. (n.d.). The George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology Waterfront Campus [Project Abstract]. Retrieved March 8, 2017 from
In-Text Paraphrase: (Canada Green Building Council, n.d.)
In-Text Quote: (Canada Green Building Council, n.d, para. 2)