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Indigenous Resources for Culinary Programs

Selected Online Videos

untamed series

back to roots series

food: future history: harness knowledge

Chef Shane Chartrand: REDx Talks Series

food for the rest of us

 Untamed Gourmet

Videos from CanCore

Can-Core: Indigenous Collection

Designed for Canadian college and university faculty & students, CAN-CORE is your go-to destination for current and relevant Canadian video content, with a strong focus on content created by and about indigenous peoples of Canada.. Can-Core contains a large collection of Indigenous content, along with an 'Indigenous Content' filter to help users identify videos by or about Indigenous peoples.

Red website banner with the text "cancore academic video" and various Indigenous content videos below

Selected videos from this database:

Videos from National Film Board of Canada

The National Film Board of Canada: Indigenous Collection

The National Film Board of Canada's CAMPUS website offers you access to thousands of NFB-produced streaming films, including Canadian documentaries, experimental films, and more. Discover the NFB’s rich online collection of Indigenous-made films, through more than 50 years of First Nations, Métis and Inuit filmmaking, and centuries of storytelling, with an ever-expanding collection of Indigenous-made cinema.

White side menu with NFB logo of minimalist eye, followed by red banner with text "Indigenous cinema"

Selected videos from this database

Videos from CBC Curio

CBC Curio: Indigenous Collection

Curio is an online database of television series and documentaries created and maintained by the CBC/Radio Canada and includes a content category for Indigenous Studies. It features a wide range of streaming video content in various Indigenous language, English, and French.

Black and white website banner with the text "100 years of Curio" and the collection title of "Indigenous Governance" below

Selected videos from this database: