Library databases are online collections of different types of sources, often on a specific subject. Browse and access the databases below to find:
A scholarly full-text database with access to more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. Features content going back as far as 1887.
Includes thousands of journals, ebooks, and images covering a broad range of subjects, from fine, decorative and commercial art, to architecture and architectural design.
Full text access to major Canadian newspapers, including the Globe and Mail, the National Post, and the Toronto Star.
Access to international and Canadian magazines, newspapers & e-books.
Search the combined Canadian Business and Current Affairs databases: CBCA Business, CBCA Current Events, CBCA Education, and CBCA Reference.
Articles in the field of communication and mass media, covering topics such as: digital design, advertising, video game industry, software and more.
Research, reviews and career information pertaining to digital design, telecommunications, electronics and IT industries.
A large collection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. Contains more than 94,400 titles.
Books about programming, desktop applications (e.g. PowerPoint, Excel), business, databases, graphics, hardware, human-computer interaction, multimedia, networking, operating systems, security and software engineering.