Week 7

Dental Sedation - Read Online

Images from Britannica Image Quest

Dental Anaesthesia diagram

Dental Anaesthesia

Dental anaesthesia, artwork. [Photograph]. Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. 

Dental Anaesthesia diagram (frontal)

Dental Anaesthesia

Dental anaesthesia, artwork. [Photograph]. Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. 

Books and eBooks

Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing cover

Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing

A clear and concise eBook covering patient selection, legal issues, roles, types of sedation, anatomy, and more. 

Successful Local Anesthesia for Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics cover

Successful Local Anesthesia for Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics

This eBook presents the rationale, advantages, and limitations of the various anesthetic agents and routes of administration. A special emphasis is placed on supplemental anesthetic techniques that are essential to the practice of dentistry.

Local anesthesia for the dental hygienist cover

Local anesthesia for the dental hygienist

A print book of techniques, dosing information, and more for the dental hygienist.

Health Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Junhui Zhang
Library Learning Commons, 6th floor, Waterfront Campus, GBC


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