We have three databases that allow you to create a list of companies in your field.
Access to 5,600 news, business, legal, medical and reference sources. Now includes QuickLaw with access to Canadian Court cases, tribunals and arbitration decisions.
Company Snapshot includes information on revenue, executives, mergers & acquisitions, legal cases, news articles.
There are several databases where you might find articles on your company.
Next, search the main search box below. This will allow you to simultaneously search a number of databases including Business Sources Complete.
The following videos can help you search our CanadianSources+ databases and find trade publications in our collection.
Company Reports can be helpful when preparing your company presentation. They provide an overview of how the company is performing financially, recent company activity, company history, executive profiles and often a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).
Access to 5,600 news, business, legal, medical and reference sources. Now includes QuickLaw with access to Canadian Court cases, tribunals and arbitration decisions.
Company/Analyst Reports on public and private Canadian companies.
Company Reports on publicly traded Canadian companies.
Sample Company Report Citation:
Producer of Report. (year, month day). Company Name: Type of Report. Retrieved from database name.
MarketLine. (2014, May 9). Starbucks Corporation: Company profile. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
E-mail Andrea Hall if you need additional help with researching your company.