Radišiæ, B. B., Perišiæ, M., & Bereèiæ, J. (2010). Marketing in Selling the Hotel Product. Faculty of Tourism & Hospitality Management in Opatija. Biennial International Congress. Tourism & Hospitality Industry, 771–782.To perform successfully, a hotel facility must be market-oriented and should apply the marketing concept, which is derived from the assumption that a hotel product should be capable of meeting the needs of tourists, foremost, through its quality and structure. To fully meet the needs and wants of guests on the one hand, and to accomplish its business goals on the other hand, a hotel facility needs to combine the elements of the marketing mix in order to be as successful as possible in selling its product on the market. In addition to using external marketing to achieve performance results, a hotel enterprise also needs to make use of internal and interactive marketing. Employee and guest satisfaction are ensured through effective internal and interactive marketing. Milenij Hotels of Opatija is an example of a hotel enterprise that successfully applies a modern marketing concept in selling its hotel product.