There are several good sites to help you locate green building projects in Toronto, Ontario, and Canada.
Case studies from SAB Magazine and the Green Building Council feature green building projects from around the city.
Most of these sites allow you to search or browse by both product category and CSI MasterFormat number. Most sites feature suppliers and manufacturers from across North America. Sites supply links to manufacturer's websites. In the case of SWEETS, spec and data sheets are often available for download.
Features media and information resources including: full-text access to Environmental Building News,, the GreenSpec directory of products, the LEEDuser web tool and case studies in the High Performance Buildings Database (HPB).
Features media and information resources including: full-text access to Environmental Building News,, the GreenSpec directory of products, the LEEDuser web tool and case studies in the High Performance Buildings Database (HPB).
The following links highlight green building products in the North American market. Sites allow for product searches and browsing by LEED or MasterFormat categories.
Start with the GBC Library's journal and book collection. The library has newspapers, magazines, and journals with information on Canadian and international buildings. We also have an extensive book collection which may feature books on your architect/firm or your building.
Tip: These are especially helpful for finding information (including drawings) on contemporary buildings.
EXAMPLE: Herning Museum of Contemporary Art (HEART) - Steven Holl
Photo: Herning Museum of Contemporary Art (HEART) (2013) By Iwan Baan - - CC BY-SA 3.0 - Wikimedia Commons
Try searching on all aspects of the building, including:
Search the El Croquis Journal collection for a contemporary building or an architect/practice. Each issue is dedicated to an architect or practice. The journal provides biographical information on the architect or practice, interviews with the architect(s), and profiles of major projects. You can browse the collection or search for a specific building within the collection in the main database (see sample search below).
EXAMPLE: Muskoka Boathouse - Shim Sutcliffe
Images: Muskoka Boathouse by Shim Sutcliffe. Retrieved from LUNA;JSESSIONID=dc369097-3b55-4c5d-8920-e584cb0e3fd8?search=SUBMIT&cat=0&q=muskoka+boathouse&dateRangeStart=&dateRangeEnd=&QuickSearchA=QuickSearchA
For Canadian buildings, after you have searched in our main database (see above), be sure to also search our databases that have a Canadian focus using Canadian Sources + to search the databases listed below.
Tip: Books and videos can be especially helpful for older buildings where journal coverage in our collection may not be available.
EXAMPLE: Seagram Building - Mies van der Rohe / Philip Johnson
Seagram's Building in New York City was built in 1958. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 14 Sep 2022.
Use the library's main search box but keep your search more general. Try:
All George Brown College students are eligible to apply for a Toronto Public Library Card. This allows you to use the TPL databases and to check out books. The main Reference Library at Yonge and Bloor has an excellent architecture collection. They have a number of print journals that pre-date our print collection and a large architecture book collection. They also offer access to a number of online journals through Flipster, Press Reader and Overdrive. The JSTOR database may have journal articles for older buildings.
The Toronto Heritage Register, the Architectural Index for Ontario and TOBuilt are good sources for basic information on historic buildings in Toronto. These sources provide details, such as year built, architect, and building name(s), which you will need to find more detailed information about the building you are researching. Digital Doors Open from the Ontario Heritage Trust features several historic buildings in Toronto. You can also find information on Toronto Buildings by searching the Ontario Heritage Act Register , Ontario Heritage Trust - Places of Worship Inventory and the Directory of Federal Heritage Designations.
Toronto Heritage Register
The Toronto Heritage Register allows you to search for basic information on a number of historic buildings in Toronto. This basic information is found in the Heritage Property Detail record which can be searched either via the Heritage Register Search map or by using the Heritage Property Search tool.
The Heritage Property Detail record provides basic information on heritage buildings including:
All of this information will be useful when searching for information on
Toronto Reference Library's Architectural Index for Ontario is another good resource for basic information about historic buildings in Toronto. You can browse the index by designer/architect, building name, building type or street. The entry provides basic information on the building as well as an index to articles about the building.
Each listing also provides references to current and historical books and articles on the building.
The documents and reports created during the heritage designation process can contain valuable information on heritage buildings. Many are available online at the City of Toronto website.
SAMPLE SEARCH: The Broadview Hotel - 704 Queen Street East
(The by-law number is found in the Heritage Property Detail Record).
Once you have the bylaw number:
This document has a Background Information section that can contain report(s) with detailed information on a historic building including the architectural and cultural significance, the history of the building and the area, pictures and architectural drawings.
Search TMMIS using the building address for reports from 2006-present.
(The Toronto Archives provides access to pre-2006 Ontario Heritage Act Designation files - Series 822).
Background Information (Community Council) |
(May 16, 2014) Report from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 704 Queen Street East (Entrance Address 106 Broadview Avenue) ( |
Information on materials and methods can often be found in historical articles written at the time the historic building was constructed or in books featuring the building. The Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada, the Architectural Index for Ontario and TOBuilt are excellent sources to help you find articles and books that feature your building.
The Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada 1800 - 1950 is an excellent source to help you find references to articles or books on a historic building. You can browse or search by architect or building name.
Each page has a brief biography of the architect and entries for each building he or she designed. (Hint: Use CTRL-F to find your building on the page).
The entries have abbreviations for each source. The most commonly used abbreviations are listed below. If you have any questions about a source, contact your liaison librarian, Andrea Hall.
Sample Entry for 299 Queen St. West:
Abbreviations for a select list of digitized sources (full list of abbreviations):
Finding Articles from older journals: Once you have a list of the journal articles that feature your building, you can search several sources for the full-text digitized article. See below for frequently cited journals.
b.p. - building permit
C.A.B. - Canadian Architect & Builder [Toronto], pub. 1888-1908 digital full-text available at McGill)
C.R. - Contract Record (available through Internet Archives), and its variant titles, including :
Const. - Construction: A Journal for the Architectural, Engineering and Contracting Interests of Canada [Toronto], pub. 1907-1934 (digital full-text available through the Internet Archives)
demol.. - demolished
OA - Archives of Ontario (at York University)
R.A.I.C. - Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. (digitized at Dalhousie)
Books: You can search the GBC Library Catalogue for recent books that feature your building. The Toronto Reference Library is another good source for books. The Internet Archive and Google Books may provide the digitized full text for books and articles.
The Heritage Designation Bylaw and Easement Agreement can also contain information on materials and methods used in heritage buildings.
Blueprints and specifications for many historic buildings in Toronto are often housed at one of the following locations:
If the original blueprints are not available, one can often find copies of the drawings in historical articles written at the time the building was built.
Toronto Archives (255 Spadina Rd - just down the street from the Casa Loma campus):
Key Tips:
To search for blueprints, start at the Toronto Archives Advanced Search Page.
If blueprints are available, you must create a Record Request Form to request the blueprints for the building. If you need assistance, contact your librarian Andrea Hall or call the City of Toronto Archives at 416-397-0778.
You can take non-flash pictures of blueprints and other records found at the archives.
Archives of Ontario (at York University subway stop - now only 35 minutes from Casa Loma!)
**Note: If you wish to view blueprints or records at the archives, they may need to be ordered 24-48 hours in advance. Speak to Archives reference desk staff for assistance (416-327-1600)**
Search the Archives of Ontario for drawings of many historic buildings in Toronto and Ontario. Collections from several architects who worked in Toronto and Ontario are housed at the Ontario Archives including:
Use the Related Material section to find related series numbers to search.
Information about Toronto's historic buildings can also be found in current articles and books. You will use a specific search to find articles on a building and a general search to find books that feature a building.
Start with our databases that have a Canadian focus using Canadian Sources +.
Next, search the main search box below. This will allow you to simultaneously search a number of databases including Art and Architecture Complete and CPI.Q.
Google Books is another excellent way to find references to your building within books. Try the name of your building and architect in the Google Search. If the book is not available full-text, check the GBC Library catalogue or the Toronto Public Library catalogue for the book.