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Evaluating Sources

Get help from GBC Library Learning Commons staff

If you ever need help at any stage of the research process, connect with GBC Library staff:

Library Research Video Tutorials

Our short video tutorials will show you how to use the library search and subject-specific databases to find and access resources for your research. Browse the Library Video Tutorial Guide, or choose one of the topics below:

College Libraries Ontario Learning Portal

The College Libraries Ontario Learning Portal has resources in different formats to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in your studies and life, including:

  • Research skills: learn about the research process, copyright, academic honesty, and citation
  • Digital skills: learn to create videos, infographics, and websites
  • Study Skills: learn to manage your time, study, take notes, and manage stress
  • Digital citizenship: learn about social media, fake news, privacy, and security
  • Well-being: learn to improve your well-being through social and emotional wellness
  • Maamwi Hub: learn about Indigenous histories, cultures, knowledge, and current Indigenous worldviews, as well as how to conduct research involving Indigenous Peoples respectfully and responsibly