Library instruction workshops normally take place in a designated classroom within the library (please speak to your program librarian about class visits).
Led by librarians, they are a great way to introduce your students to the physical environment of the library while delivering essential research skills. Your liaison librarians will create and deliver a session (usually 45 - 60 minutes in length) designed specifically for your students’ program, class or assignment.
We strive to provide sessions that will assist with current assignments as well as future studies. In accordance with the ACRL Information Literacy standards, our ultimate goal is to promote lifelong learning.
To schedule a library workshop, begin by contacting your program librarian. If you have a specific assignment in mind, we will be happy to discuss it with you beforehand - the earlier the better! The more time we have with your assignment, the more tailored the workshop will be (1- 2 weeks before the scheduled class is best).
You may also wish to make use of one of the assignments listed on the right-hand side of this page, under "sample assignments." Don't forget, we’re happy to help you create assignments too! We would love to hear from you.
The Ontario Ministry of Training College and Universities has mandated that “information management” be included as an essential employability skill throughout all programs of study with the accompanying defining skills and outcomes (MTCU, CAAT, Policy Framework, 2005).
Information Literacy
The library fosters an information literate community that can select, locate, evaluate and effectively use information in an ethical and legally responsible manner. The five (5) standards developed by the Association of College and Research Libraries inform library instruction and research services.
Services For Students
Faculty librarians facilitate library instruction sessions for students which may include:
Your program librarian will work with you to customize workshops and develop library assignments that best meet your course objectives and your students' needs.