When looking for information on a specific industry, search the databases below to find industry reports. Industry reports usually outline things like: market share, segmentation, competitors, etc.
Example: If you wanted to open up a local brewery, you would likely want to find a report on the Beer Industry, and if possible for the Beer Industry in Canada.
Remember, depending on the company/industry you are investigating, there may not always be the perfect industry report. Reports on the same industry but from different publishers will provide different information. Always looks at multiple reports on your industry. Sometimes you will have to look at a GLOBAL snapshot of an industry to find the information you need.
Over 400 Canadian and 1,300 US Industry Reports, at the 5-digit level of the NAICS code, containing trends, statistics & analysis on market size, market share of major companies and industry growth rates. Major market segments are identified and also those key external forces affecting supply and demand within the industry. Performance analysis includes emerging industry trends as well as recent production performance.
This international database provides access to market reports that analyze consumer and service industries across 80 countries. Also includes company profiles. Industries covered include Apparel, Consumer Finance, Consumer Foodservice and Travel & Tourism.
Magazine and journal articles on all aspects of business and management. Also includes company and industry profiles, SWOT analyses and market, country and product reports.
Statistical data and analysis of business, industry, product brands, market share, media, and social scientific topics, obtained from both private and public sector sources, and covering all regions of the world.