Researching a company can involve a lot of different steps - you will probably want to know about their history, competition or fiscal year. You might need to find the company's annual report or financial reports, or you might need to find some investor information or even their mission statement and so on. This is a quick guide to finding information on your chosen company, below you will find more detailed information on resources to find information on your company.
Hint: A company's annual report might include information on exports/imports.
Sometimes you will have to try a few different searches to find what you are looking for. The better you know and understand your company or industry, the more luck you may have. If you search for TD Bank, for example, you may not find anything...but, there is a SWOT analysis for TD, it is listed under Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Our advice: have patience, keep looking, ask for help!
Magazine and journal articles, company and industry profiles, SWOT analyses and market, country and product reports. See video below for finding Company Profiles in BSC.
Full text access to major Canadian newspapers, including the Globe and Mail, the National Post, and the Toronto Star.
Full text access to Canadian magazines and journals on business, management and related topics.
IBISWorld produces and publishes over 400 Canadian and 1,300 US Industry Reports at the 5-digit level of the NAICS code. IBISWorld research reports contain trends, statistics & analysis on market size, market share of major companies and industry growth rates.
Access to 5,600 news, business, legal, medical and reference sources. Now includes QuickLaw with access to Canadian Court cases, tribunals and arbitration decisions.
This international database provides access to market reports that analyze consumer and service industries across 80 countries. Also includes company profiles. Industries covered include Apparel, Consumer Finance, Consumer Foodservice and Travel & Tourism.
Search company information on 75,000 Ontario companies, by product type, industry classification number, company name, geographic and demographic characteristics. Usage Tip: To save, print or e-mail documents, select Output Manager, Profile Print.
To find specific information on a company try searching for their annual reports. Annual reports outline a company’s financial situation and provide you with an overall understanding of the company’s year. The first place you should search for an annual report is the company's website itself. However, there are many resources you can consult to find a company's financials: