We do Market Research to help us better understand the industry that we are working in. Market research provides:
Library databases are online collections of different types of sources, often on a specific subject. Browse and access the databases below to find valuable data in company, industry and country reports (including SWOT analyses, market trends, consumer preferences, and more).
Another excellent tool when doing market research is doing an Environmental Scan - this requires you to look through articles (and other media) to get a sense of what is happening in your industry. Are there any major innovations? Are there new trends that stand out? What is impacting a specific industry (Social, Economic, Political, and Industrial)? Remember, industries and companies don't exist in vacuums, how they do business and how that business changes can be impacted through any number of factors.
You might start with Social Media to get a sense of what is going on in an industry, but you will need to shift to other sources - similar to those found in the databases below.
There are multiple websites that you can use to help in doing market research. If you are doing research on companies, it is always a good idea to start by looking through the company website: what kind of annual reports do they have? Do they publish investor reports? Are there any press releases available online?