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DENT 1137 Course Guide: Week 10


Below you will find links to select library resources. For access to streaming video and other library resources from home, login with your student number and Stu-View password.

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The Control of Infectious Diseases

"This program provides viewers with the information they need to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis and others in the home healthcare setting. It describes the chain of infection that leads to disease transmission, and describes prevention strategies that break the chain. The program focuses on preventing the transmission of bloodborne pathogens through the use of Universal Precautions, and preventing the transmission of TB through the use of personal protective equipment and work practice measures developed by the CDC."


Outbreak! Contagion! The Next Pandemic!

Watch this 35 min. video on the perception of future epidemics brought to you by Kanopy via LLC.

"Using your newly acquired infectious disease knowledge, look into the future and discern what the next pandemic might be—one that would reach all continents quickly, be difficult to treat, be extremely deadly, and perhaps threaten the very survival of the human race!"

Health Sciences Librarian

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Junhui Zhang
Library Learning Commons, 6th floor, Waterfront Campus, GBC


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